Remote Consultations: Insurance Implications for Social Services

Posted on: May 25, 2024 by Huntersure

The increasing prevalence of remote consultations in the social services sector has brought about significant shifts in healthcare delivery. As this method becomes more common, it’s vital for insurance agents specializing in social services professional liability to understand the complex implications of this type of insurance. Understanding Social Services Professional Liability Coverage for Remote Consultations […] Read More

What Triggers Social Services Professional Liability?

Posted on: December 20, 2023 by Huntersure

In the social services field, professionals work tirelessly to support individuals and communities. That responsibility comes with significant liability risks. Social services professional liability insurance provides tailored coverage for these risks. Maximizing this coverage investment starts with understanding the triggers, consequences, and risk management efforts necessary for social services professionals.  Common Triggers for Social Services […] Read More

The Unique Liabilities and Risk Exposures of Social Workers

Posted on: October 17, 2019 by Huntersure

Every day, social workers make it their mission to serve the public and better society around them, but like every job, there comes the potential for mistakes to occur. Even the most skilled and principled social workers can make unintended mistakes, leading to harm towards others, be it physical or emotional, which can turn into […] Read More

Nonprofit Volunteer Handbook Essentials

Posted on: March 7, 2017 by Huntersure

One cannot talk about a successful nonprofit without mentioning the dedicated volunteers who uphold the organization’s values and cause. As these key people carry out many of the day-to-day operations, a handbook is required in order to establish expectations, demonstrate their importance, and relay critical information. In addition to backing your client’s operation with a […] Read More

Social Enterprise Funding Solutions

Posted on: February 9, 2017 by Huntersure

Like any nonprofit organization, donations and contributions are the main source for funding. Without the proper financial backing, these social enterprises would cease to exist. However, in a fickle economy, the necessary funding can be difficult to obtain. Therefore, we have compiled some solutions that you can share with your clients in addition to protecting […] Read More