4 Ways Accounting Clients Can Improve Their Business Communications

Posted on: October 10, 2019 by Huntersure

Accountants and financial advisors have great attention to detail and an ability to analyze numbers and find solutions. While these great technical skills are enviable in their trade, it’s the softer skills, such as communications, that may need some sharpening.

Business communication for accountants can always be revisited and fine-tuned as some CPAs struggle with collaboration, communication, and when to be formal or informal. It’s important for accountants to improve their interpersonal skills to make sure they’re conveying information effectively and appropriately in any setting.

Here are some ways that accountants and financial professionals can improve their professional communication skills.

1. Lean on Formality

While it doesn’t hurt for accountants to have congenial relationships with their co-workers, they shouldn’t take it to the point where communication is more relaxed and casual. Thanks to social media and texting, formality has almost gone out the window. However, there’s a danger in letting informality settle in communications.

It’s better to err on the side of formal, straightforward language, even in emails or texts, so nothing can be misunderstood, including tone.

2. Choosing the Right Messaging Platform

Email is always a good tool when it comes to routine and task-oriented communications. But when important information and more sensitive news needs to be discussed, it’s always the best choice to pick up the phone and discuss more directly or set up a meeting.

This may take some trial and error, but it’s important to read the room and see how which communication tools and options are the best fit for certain situations.

3. Don’t Always Hit CC

In any professional setting, hitting the CC button on an email may be a kiss of death. When sending emails, accountants should double-check and think carefully about who needs to be included in a conversation thread. Even if the information being passed along isn’t embarrassing or inappropriate, if an accountant is always hitting CC in their emails, their recipients may not open them due to the number of messages they receive.

4. Be Direct in Sensitive Issues

By allowing a situation to build up without handling it could be a recipe for an issue in communications. It’s easier and more professional to address a sensitive office matter as soon as it happens instead of waiting until it grows and potentially does more damage. Having a quick, honest, and effective conversation can resolve any interpersonal issues without affecting the business relationships at stake.

About Huntersure

At Huntersure, we specialize in providing quality professional liability solutions to accounting professionals. Our Accountant Liability Insurance program provides coverage for accountants, auditors, bookkeepers, and tax preparers, so no matter where your clients lie in the industry they can have the coverage they need to protect themselves and their assets. To learn more about our operation and our Professional Liability Insurance solutions, contact us today at (855) 585-6255.

Posted in: Accounting blog