General Construction Management Risks to Consider

Posted on: January 21, 2016 by Huntersure

Construction managers are exposed to various types of risks. As these exposures create several areas of liability that need to be protected, Construction Management Liability Insurance is a necessity to safeguard their operations. Further, consider the following areas of concern.

Design and Selection of Materials

Some construction managers take part in the design and assist in the material selection. Therefore, they are likely to be a part of litigation, along with the architects and engineers of the project, if something were to go awry.

Cost Estimates

The estimates provided to the client should be as accurate as possible, otherwise the construction manager is at greater risk for a claim against them.

Job Safety

Per OSHA guidelines, construction managers need to reduce the risk of jobsite injury as they are generally responsible for safety concerns.  They are in charge of developing, implementing and monitoring safety programs in addition to training. According to Cavignac & Associates, recent rulings by OSHA concerning responsibilities of architects, engineers and construction managers have generally concluded that a construction manager’s responsibilities for jobsite safety are akin to those of a general contractor. This also includes management of hazardous materials that are on site so as not to cause any undue hardship.


While traditional construction manager agreements defer inspection liability to design professionals, if their scope of work is increased, so is their liability. As construction managers are often juggling multiple roles, this is especially important to watch out for.

All of these concerns are due to the broad scope of work that construction managers are often responsible for. At Huntersure, we offer specially designed programs for construction management firms that provides coverage for third party claims as a result of negligent acts, errors, performance, and services. For more information about our products and services, contact us today at (855) 585-6255.

Posted in: blog Construction management