Emerging Tech Trends in Construction Insurance

Posted on: June 26, 2024 by Huntersure

The construction industry is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements that enhance efficiency, safety, and project management. For insurance agents, staying updated with these technological trends is crucial to providing the best advice and coverage options for their clients, especially when it comes to a contractor’s professional liability application. Explore how the key technological trends […] Read More

Remote Consultations: Insurance Implications for Social Services

Posted on: May 25, 2024 by Huntersure

The increasing prevalence of remote consultations in the social services sector has brought about significant shifts in healthcare delivery. As this method becomes more common, it’s vital for insurance agents specializing in social services professional liability to understand the complex implications of this type of insurance. Understanding Social Services Professional Liability Coverage for Remote Consultations […] Read More

Guiding Your Professional Clients: What To Do When They Receive a Cease and Desist Letter

Posted on: April 9, 2024 by Huntersure

Insurance agents play a pivotal role in assisting their professional clients through various challenges, including receiving cease and desist letters. Cease and desist letters can significantly affect your clients’ professional reputations and finances. However, you can guide them through the legal hurdles of such letters and provide them with professional liability insurance to decrease their financial […] Read More

Do Technical Consultants Need Professional Liability Insurance?

Posted on: March 6, 2024 by Huntersure

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, technical consultants are vital in providing expertise and guidance to businesses across various industries. These skilled professionals, who specialize in areas such as information technology, engineering, and software development, are often relied upon to deliver complex projects, offer strategic advice, and troubleshoot technical challenges. However, with great responsibility comes […] Read More

Eco Footprint: Pollution Liability Awareness for Small Contractors

Posted on: February 21, 2024 by Huntersure

In the construction industry, even seemingly minor projects can have significant environmental consequences. As an insurance agent, you should understand that small contractors are not immune to these risks. Despite their size, they can still face substantial financial liabilities from pollution incidents. Here is where contractors professional liability insurance for pollution risks can help small […] Read More

What Triggers Social Services Professional Liability?

Posted on: December 20, 2023 by Huntersure

In the social services field, professionals work tirelessly to support individuals and communities. That responsibility comes with significant liability risks. Social services professional liability insurance provides tailored coverage for these risks. Maximizing this coverage investment starts with understanding the triggers, consequences, and risk management efforts necessary for social services professionals.  Common Triggers for Social Services […] Read More

Safeguarding Businesses: Understanding the Necessity of Miscellaneous Professional Liability (MPL) Insurance

Posted on: November 30, 2023 by Huntersure

Insurance agents work with a host of different types of businesses, each with unique needs. While certain fields require specific professional liability insurance, such as medical malpractice, others face varying risks that go beyond general liability insurance. Miscellaneous professional liability, or MPL insurance, safeguards a multitude of businesses to help cover potential lawsuits due to […] Read More

Tailoring Liability Coverage for Architects and Engineers

Posted on: November 22, 2023 by Huntersure

Architects and engineers are craftspeople in the construction industry. Their roles are pivotal in shaping construction and ensuring structural integrity. However, the professional challenges they might face are as complex as the designs they develop. That’s why these professionals need professional liability insurance. This coverage guards against financial risks and potential lawsuits to protect their […] Read More

Tackling Cyber Risks in Residential Care Facilities

Posted on: November 15, 2023 by Huntersure

Technology advancements have positively impacted the residential care industry, but they’ve also brought new risks. As facilities increasingly rely on digital systems, they’ve faced phishing scams, ransomware, and cybersecurity breaches. Older individuals are especially at risk for social engineering, which can lead to identity theft.  It’s essential that residential care facilities take precautions against these […] Read More

Protect Your Clients From Scope Creep and Other Consulting Risks

Posted on: October 12, 2023 by Huntersure

Consulting is a dynamic field that offers invaluable expertise to clients across various industries. However, like any profession, consulting comes with risks and challenges. Every agent should understand the risks consultants face, how those risks affect their businesses, and the role that agents play in safeguarding those consultants with the right professional liability coverage. Understanding […] Read More